<title> My title </title>
"Capturing the Essence of Nature" ....Through Wildlife Photography, and by the Grace of our Creator.    
Featured Photo: "Griz n Grass"  Click for details.                   Featured Photo: "If Trees Could Talk" Click for details

NSP Specializes in Video and still wildlife photography with over sixty years of combined experience. Nature Spirit Productions  has also acquired hundreds of hours of Stock Footage, some of which is in our stock footage bin on the left. Have a look around, a piece of natural history in art form can enhance the decor of any setting.  Click Here to watch a trailer featuring rare clips from our library. Music is Provided by our friend and award winning musician: Ronald Roybal , Visit his website at www.ronaldroybal.com 
Click here to learn about our latest Documentary!

Questions or inquiries e-mail owner/photographer David Wodiuk                                               

All photographs are copyrighted by  Nature Spirit Productions, (719)250-6350  Pueblo, Colorado    all commercial use of the images on this site is strictly prohibited unless permission by owner is granted. Owner: David Wodiuk

For questions or comments on this site contact the webmaster: Jeremiah Wodiuk